Marriage and Motherhood

Christmas Mom

I wrote this for my big kids to read when they get home from school tomorrow.

It’s meant to be silly. Mostly. 😉



*Disclaimer*  I know we are responsible for our own emotions and attitudes. I know Christmas is about Jesus and not about presents and a clean house. I also know my kids are healthy, capable (pre)teenagers and that holiday preparations are a family affair. And giving them a glimpse of my point of view may help motivate them toward action. I can’t be the only mom in need of a hand, right? 😉



Christmas Mom

Huddle close, my children. I have a tale to tell –

A cautionary whisper that I hope will serve you well.

This is a simple story of two families I knew,

A lot alike in many ways, yet different in a few.


One family had a legendary wonder in their midst…

A Happy Christmas Mommy who gave happy Christmas gifts.

The other family was distraught when Christmas Day arrived,

For theirs, the Grumpy Christmas Mom, had killed the Christmas vibe.


Now I can see it in your eyes, the question forming there…

Which mommy-type will visit us? Which mother will appear?

The answer lies in you, you see. You have a secret power,

Which you can choose to use for good in this eleventh hour.


Your mom does so much you don’t see, she’s working hard for you.

Hers is a labor born of love – her privilege.  It’s true!

But there is more to do these days than one mere woman can,

That’s where your grateful hearts come in – to lend a helping hand.


Your mom will try her best to keep her attitude in check

No matter what your choices are, but you can surely bet

A day of helping out will really minimize her stress,

For guests are coming and we need to minimize the mess!


So though your finals are complete – you’re ready for a break,

Just pause and think about the cost and all that is at stake.

A Happy Christmas mom is one who feels your gratitude.

The Grumpy Mom is simply tired of stinky attitudes.


❤ Merry Christmas! Happy Mom-ing!

5 thoughts on “Christmas Mom”

  1. Believe me, time flies so quickly. You won’t have but a couple rough Christmases. But, you are Spot On when it comes to the attitudes. And that makes All the difference. Love you!!

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