Grief and Suffering, Marriage and Motherhood

Horse Faces and Updates

So a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender looks up and says, "Hey! Why the long face?" Badump. Chhhhhhiiiiiing. Sorry. I legitimately could not think of any other way to start this post. Ha! It's mid-August! Back to school time, back to routine, back to school pick-up lanes, back to multiple colors of… Continue reading Horse Faces and Updates

Scriptural Perspectives

Breaking Light

Hey friends! This week, I had the amazing honor of being interviewed by my friend and fellow blogger, Wendy (Widow's Manna).  Wendy has a beautiful heart and a powerful testimony of God's goodness in suffering. She and Anna (The Joy of the Spirit Within) have been working on a series called Breaking Light, which highlights… Continue reading Breaking Light

Mental Health and Healing

Why I’m Still Looking Back

I'm writing! It feels so good. Believe it or not, I'm over a quarter of the way finished with the first draft of The Called Life!  It may not sound very impressive, but for me, it's further than I've ever gotten with any other project! (Except a book called "Unpublished" which will forever remain unpublished. haha) I've… Continue reading Why I’m Still Looking Back

Grief and Suffering, Marriage and Motherhood, Mental Health and Healing

Side Effects of Living

Some mornings, I wake up, and it feels like my mind has already guzzled half a gallon of coffee, been to the gym, stamped out a full day's work, and is tapping its foot impatiently waiting for my lazy body to come around. Consciousness, for me, can feel like turning the TV on in the… Continue reading Side Effects of Living