Grief and Suffering, Marriage and Motherhood

Horse Faces and Updates

So a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender looks up and says, "Hey! Why the long face?" Badump. Chhhhhhiiiiiing. Sorry. I legitimately could not think of any other way to start this post. Ha! It's mid-August! Back to school time, back to routine, back to school pick-up lanes, back to multiple colors of… Continue reading Horse Faces and Updates

World Travel

I left (part of) my heart in Novi Sad…

What if you knew with absolute certainty that a divine voice had spoken to you? What if that voice gave you a glimpse into a possible future? What if you saw a possibility that had never crossed your mind before, but the prospect was overwhelmingly good and exciting? What if, logically, it seemed impossible, but you… Continue reading I left (part of) my heart in Novi Sad…

World Travel

Serbia Update!

Oh man! My brain has been full-to-overflowing with summertime kiddos and prepping for this trip! If you were following our 5in5, we did finish! We went to a family reunion in Iowa, so our Thursday and Friday night submissions were recorded in the dark. I'd love to re-record them and then post them here! (Though Day… Continue reading Serbia Update!

Mental Health and Healing

Why I’m Still Looking Back

I'm writing! It feels so good. Believe it or not, I'm over a quarter of the way finished with the first draft of The Called Life!  It may not sound very impressive, but for me, it's further than I've ever gotten with any other project! (Except a book called "Unpublished" which will forever remain unpublished. haha) I've… Continue reading Why I’m Still Looking Back

Scriptural Perspectives

An Incoherent Offering

This dance. This balancing act. This complex, complicated, confounding, catastrophically heartbreaking, consummately soul-giving art of living. The millions of moving parts all seemingly independent yet intrinsically interdependent - relationships, physical health, economic reality, spiritual awakening, goals and dreams, aspirations, battle wounds, prejudices, ideas, choices, decisions... and on and on and on. How do I know if I'm… Continue reading An Incoherent Offering

World Travel

Send Me!

My heart is absolutely bursting! Ok, you know how I wrote about how God Gives Scary Dreams? I've got one coming true this summer, and I'm absolutely pee-my-pants terrified-excited bout it. When I was little, I dreamed of becoming a medical missionary in Africa. I imagined myself in a khaki button-up with matching shorts, boots,… Continue reading Send Me!